About ContactCare

What we believe in

Every day we get up to really hear and really see our employees, our customers and our customers’ customers.

Helping people move forward

We want to help people. We want to empower the people we work with to get the most out of themselves every day. We do this by really listening to our employees, our customers and the customers of our customers. This is at the heart of our employment, our services and our drive for innovation.

Workplaces that make you happy.

We love happy people. And workplaces where everyone feels at ease. You can hear a person’s emotions straight through the phone. Job satisfaction therefore directly contributes to the quality of our services. To nurture this job satisfaction, we focus on the personal development of our employees. This way, they can help other people even better.

At ContactCare, everyone is equally important, regardless of status, background, sex, age, ethnicity or religion. Everyone can be themselves in all shapes and sizes at ContactCare. 

We embrace the opportunities to connect with others and inspire them to get the most out of themselves. We are therefore primarily focused on the other person and are open to all. Including you.

Not a side job but a career

When it comes to recruitment, we focus on the people who value personal and professional development.

We look for everyone’s undiscovered potential. We invest in our people by training them and actively encouraging their growth, both internally and externally. We do not offer a job, but a career.

ContactCare is a place where you are heard and seen, where you can be yourself and make mistakes. 

After all, for us our employee, our client and the client of our client is never a mere number, but a unique human being who deserves to be treated with attention and openness.  

A chance for everyone

At ContactCare, we believe that everyone should be given the opportunity to enjoy themselves at work. We believe in the knowledge and ability of people with a vulnerable position on the job market. After all, everyone deserves a chance!

Our organisation always employs people with a distance to the labour market. Because we want to give them a chance, but more importantly, because they can do it themselves!

Keurmerk ContactCare

A positive impact on a wonderful job

The call centre world or customer service still has a questionable reputation. This is not surprising because customer service is often mentioned in one breath with telemarketing. Its purpose is to sell services or goods. Because we think it is unfair that customer contact as a whole has such a negative image, we have set ourselves the goal of showing precisely what positive impact a good conversation can have.


Be real, improve yourself every day & go for true connection!